CLIENT: Societe des Mines de Syama
PROJECT: Syama Liner Handler


Design, manufacture and certify a mill reline machine capable
of lifting a maximum 1500kg.

Specific Challenges:

  • Lifting 1.5t at 13m
  • Fitting through trunnion I.D of 1.5m
  • Self-powered transport from storage to working
  • Fitting into a container for sea travel.


The Liner Handler was fully modelled using 3D CAD software
and was loosely based on previous design experience from
other machines. Full range of operations were tested including
reach, manoeuvrability and time vs motion. Risks were
assessed and major safety hazards identified, documented and
either eliminated or minimised. Finite Element Analysis was
then used to verify preliminary design and experienced
hydraulic specialists designed an appropriate hydraulic system.
Once completed the major component packages were broken
down for in-house fabrication.

Innovative fabrication techniques and automated welding
technology was used to increase accuracy and minimise labour