CLIENT: Kagara
PROJECT: Thalanga Copper Mine


The dredge was used as a production dredge and materials were pumped directly to the grinding circuit for reprocessing. The operation required 50+% densities at a rate of 100tph.

Product: Copper / Lead Tailings
Specific Gravity: Sg 4.
Distance pumped: 800m
Pipe Line: PN16 200mm HDPE
TDH 54m


The Tailings Storage Facility (TSF) had been capped for quite a period and re-vegetation had begun. The dam was uncapped by way of Dozers and Excavators. During the process a large amount of rock was left behind and caused a number of pump blockages.
In addition the initial pH of the TSF was around 2. During the dredge process a significant amount of lime was used to raise the pH to 7+

The data output was able to determine the ingress of product by comparing surveys carried out 12 months apart.
Client received detailed technical report including volume curve.


With constant pump blockages reducing up-time, it was decided a static screen and booster station should be used to increase production up-time. The project was largely successful, however a few redundancies such as a large surge bin and bigger pipeline may have reduced mill down time due to pump blockages.